
标题: 吴铨高英译吴铨添诗-----迎客 [打印本页]

作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2010-2-7 18:24
标题: 吴铨高英译吴铨添诗-----迎客
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-9-11 15:31 编辑

迎客【原创 : 吴铨添】人22古韵
翘首楼台劳望眼 , 童年挚友旅尘扬。花阴掩映铺筵席 ; 桂月争辉沐灿堂。
顾盼情深思结义 ; 齐将血滴混摇觞。三朝畅饮终须别 , 择日重逢待菊黄。
Greeting My Guest【Translated by Charles Wu】
Waiting for a long time in my terrace, I don’t grumble.
My childhood bosom friend visits me after long travel.
I prepare a feast for him in my garden with flowers.
The moon shines through the cassia trees onto the drinkers.
Loving each other so much, we become allied brother.
Mixing our blood with fine wine, we drink it at the altar.
We gather happily for three days but my friend must go.
He promises to come again when autumn wind will blow.

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