杜鵑花【原創 : 吳銓高】植物01古韻 [精選]
春風駘盪雨迷濛 , 遍地鵑花白映紅。葉細葩嬌交錯密 , 丹爐烈火灼鵝絨。
Azalea【By Charles Wu】
Spring breeze comes with drizzle,
Moistens here and there.
Red and white and many colors,
Azalea blooms everywhere.
The leaves are Small and the flowers are delicate,
They mix well densely and charming.
The beauty of the azalea looks like
the goose's feather brightened by fire flaming.
吳銓高詩情畫意 [杜鵑花]2------------ [卷C] 657
吳銓高詩情畫意 [杜鵑花]1------------ [卷A] 372
輝字吳銓高詩 [杜鵑花]------------ [卷 G] 050
吳銓高 毛筆書法 [杜鵑花]------------- [卷07] 559
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-17 9:08:25编辑过]
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