義工贊【原創 : 吳銓高】人01古韻
良朋廣結孟嘗風 , 校務紛紜賴義工。身在異邦心在漢 , 相傳薪火志如虹。
Volunteer Eulogy【By Charles Wu】
All imitate “Mon-sheong” to make good friends with strangers.
Volunteers accomplish the school affairs like brothers.
Their hearts are still with China; though living at foreign place.
Transmitting Chinese culture to others, they have a race.
吳銓高 詩情畫意 [義工贊]------------ [卷C] 658
輝字吳銓高詩 [義工贊]------------ [卷22] 624
吳銓高 毛筆書法 [義工贊]------------- [卷07] 560
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-18 9:32:38编辑过]
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