邛竹【原創 : 吳銓高】植物01古韻
忠貞守節助人翁 , 个葉淋漓君子風。窮且益堅川叟讚 , 扶危仗義眾尊崇。
Bamboo In Qiong-lai Town【By Charles Wu】
Bamboo, what an elegant plant ,
I love the kind in “Qiong-lai” Town.
Its leaves always pointed down,
Like humble man's graceful crown.
The firm stem is so straight,
Like strong soldiers never quit.
It may swing with wind,
but it will never twinned.
In “Sze-chuan” province, it is world renown.
It becomes a stick helping those in danger.
In case of distress, it is a manager.
It is respected as a righteous sound.
吳銓高詩情畫意 [邛竹]2------------ [卷C] 636
吳銓高詩情畫意 [邛竹]1------------ [卷A] 374
輝字吳銓高詩 [邛竹]------------ [卷G] 059
吳銓高 毛筆書法 [邛竹]---------------- [卷07] 558
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