嶗山太清宮【原創 : 吳銓高】旅01古韻
參天古木立庭中 , 三樹同株造化功。昔日秦皇尋藥處 , 太清依舊夕陽紅。
Lao-shan Toaist Temple【By Charles Wu】
The ancient trees gathered greatly in the garden.
The three in one plant is God’s amazing creation.
Emperor “Qin” used to pursue his elixir dream here.
Cited now is “Tai-Qing” Temple for the setting sun to gear.
吳銓高 詩情畫意 [嶗山太清宮]------------ [卷C] 653
輝字吳銓高詩 [嶗山太清宮]------------ [卷22] 669
吳銓高 毛筆書法 [太清宮]-------------[卷07] 575
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