狗 [5]【原创 : 吴铨添】物26古韵 风华老去弃山头 , 难忍飢寒怎渡秋。腐鼠蜗牛充美食 ; 残窝枯叶是温裘。 魂萦爱侣心肝裂 ; 梦繫慈亲涕泪流。来世衔环恩再报 , 狂狺子夜恨悠悠。 The Dog [5]【Translated by Charles Wu】 The old dog is abandoned at the hill by its madame. Being hungry and cold, it can’t bear the chilly autumn. Rotten mice and snails are its table delicacy. It uses deserted nest and dried leaves to warm its body. Longing for its beloved ones, it feels broken hearted. When parents appear in its dream, its sadness is added. In the present life, it can do nothing to their delight. Harbouring great regret, it barks madly in the midnight.