
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯 [打印本页]

作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 08:46
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2009-10-27 12:49 编辑

01吳銓添 詩詞英譯目錄

02 大覺陀  3
03 山橋  3
04 中元祭 4
05 不了情 4
06 日暮緬懷 4
07 屯積商 4
08 石榴 5
09 台灣大5
10 台政 5
11 民盼 5
12 自傳6
15近重陽 7
16迎客 7
17長相憶 8
18夜釣 8
19 夜遊 8
20 夜嘆 8
21 8
23  8
24 8
25 8
26 8
29  狗8
30 狗十 8
31 念伊人8
32 苦吟僧 9
33 重陽9
34 星夜9
37 春晨9
38 秋思9
39 客來9
40 負情 9
41 高行網 10
42 浪犬哀歌 10
43 留客 10
44 閑居 11
45 基隆詩會 11
46 牽牛 11
47 寄箏 11
48 訪梅苑 11
49 望治 11
50 極相思12
51 12
52 詠菊12
53 復壇有感12
54 12
55 賀友喬遷12
56 太平山12
57 網站兩週年慶14
58 漁婦怨14
59 熬詩14
60 暮秋 15
61 警魚 20
62 觀濤 25

作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 08:51
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----大覺陀
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:00 编辑

大覺陀【原創 : 吳銓添】人20古韻
頓悟無為大覺陀 , 禪眠好躲髮妻訶。蘭因絮果疑真箇 , 一片冰心唯助娥。

The Aware BuddhaTranslated by Charles Wu
He becomes a Buddha knowing what is real emptiness.
Getting away from his nagging wife, he has no sadness.
Flower causes the fruit to come yet this does not happen.
What he has done is but to help the pretty young woman.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [大覺陀]------------ [12] 05


添詩輝字 [大覺陀]------------ [21] 74


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 15:17
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----山橋
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:01 编辑

山橋【原創 : 吳銓添】物21古韻
飛空跨兩崖 , 飲澗賞虹鈄。樵父欣然笑 , 橋端近我家。

Bridge Across The ValleyTranslated by Charles Wu
The bridge flies across the cliff high in the sky like rainbow.
Enjoying it, the wood cutter drinks brook water below.
The old man is so content and laughs heartily.
It is because the bridge links his home across the valley.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [山橋]------------ [B] 442


吳銓高毛筆書法 [山橋]------------ [12] 134


添詩輝字 [山橋]------------ [21] 428


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 15:25
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----中元祭
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:04 编辑

中元祭【原創 : 吳銓添】人12古韻
殘月照孤墳 , 螢飛警夜氛。中元蒙脡祭 , 赧赧謝佳葷。

The Mid-year Ghost FestivalTranslated by Charles Wu
The waning moon shines on the solitary cemetery.
It is so solemn that nothing but fire-flies dance queerly .
In Mid-year Festival, ghosts are offered with meat and wine .
They enjoyed the banquet shyly under the dim moonshine .

吳銓高毛筆書法 [中元祭]------------ [12] 133


添詩輝字 [中元祭]------------ [21] 429


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 15:33
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----不了情
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:13 编辑

不了情 [][鷓鴣天]【原創 : 吳銓添】人04古韻
初戀情懷總是詩。魂縈倩影醉如痴。純真蝶侶常相伴 , 變幻風雲致別離。
滄海隔 , 斗星移。有心無力護花遲。佳人負義難甘受 , 到死春蠶恨吐絲。

Endless LoveTranslated by Charles Wu
My first love made me feel as if in a poetic scene.
My soul entwined her totally at my age of eighteen.
We were two innocent companions like butterfly.
Politics separated us and we must say goodbye.
Having heart but no power, I couldn’t protect her in time.
She migrated overseas and got married at the meantime.
Her ungrateful manner was unacceptable to me.
Like spring silkworm, I spun sorrow until my death sadly.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [不了情]------------ [12] 156


添詩輝字 [不了情]------------ [21] 375


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 15:41
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----日暮緬懷
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:14 编辑

日暮緬懷【原創 : 吳銓添】人15古韻
端居憂出戶 , 滿目望雲山。落日凝鴉噪 ; 清風伴我閑。
聰明隨齒減 ; 雪鬢逐年斑。歲月催人老 , 何堪憶舊顏。

To Cherish My Youth In The DuskTranslated by Charles Wu
I prefer staying at home to outdoor activities.
Watching the distant mountains, I enjoy the cloud and breeze.
The crows flock together near my house during the sunset.
They are so noisy that I am a little bit upset.
Some of my teeth come off while my memory declines.
At my leisure, I notice my grey and ugly hairlines.
The time passes year by year and I am growing old.
I miss my young face very much and my heart feels cold.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [日暮緬懷]------------ [12] 120


添詩輝字 [日暮緬懷]------------ [21] 376


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 15:47
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----屯積商
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:11 编辑

屯積商【原創 : 吳銓添】人06古韻
世事浮雲本六如 , 炎魔為禍罄難書。無良最是投機客 , 胖似中元一祭豬。

Hoarder MerchantsTranslated by Charles Wu
The eventful life cannot be foretold by our lord.
Pestilence brings misfortune with previous record.
Merchants hoard up necessities to jack up the price.
They will become sacrifice fat pigs as greed is a vice.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [屯積商]------------ [12] 140


添詩輝字 [屯積商]------------ [21] 377


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:02
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----石榴
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:35 编辑

石榴【原創 : 吳銓添】物01古韻
榴如妃子艷 , 小圃紫霞濛。密葉凝煙翠 ; 繁葩吐蕊紅。
柔枝隨蝶舞 ; 赧蕾向陽躬。嫵媚舒嬌態 , 群英拜御風。

PomegranateTranslated by Charles Wu
It looks as graceful as the imperial concubine.
The violet mist surrounds it in the garden of mine.
Its dense leaves though covered by fog are still vividly green.
Many blossoms with stamen and red petals stand between.
Its tender branches dance happily with the butterfly.
Bowing to the sun repeatedly, its buds seem so shy.
It resembles a charming lady with coquettish smile.
All poets extol its beauty with poems in fine style.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [石榴]------------ [12] 116


添詩輝字 [石榴]------------ [21] 378


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:07
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----台灣大選
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:38 编辑

台灣大【原創 : 吳銓添】人15古韻
龍爭極首統朝班 , 候選雙英過六關。雄論滔滔談教養 , 辯才難及一紅顏。

Election In TaiwanTranslated by Charles Wu
Two parties compete in the presidency election.
Final candidates have to go through six tests in open.
They debate for a long time on education issue.
Their eloquence is worse than their wives who join the argue.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [台灣大]------------ [12] 144


添詩輝字 [台灣大]------------ [21] 379


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:12
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----台政
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:40 编辑

台政【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
孤鳴噪野宿沙旁 , 迷雁離群倍旁徨。民氣沸騰猶主獨 , 家危政蕩萬夫狂。

Taiwan Politics ClimateTranslated by Charles Wu
Our leader is a wild goose losing his companion.
Near the sand at night, he cries alone but none will listen.
People go against his independence policy.
Taiwan being in turmoil and danger, we are angry.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [台政]------------ [12] 108


添詩輝字 [台政]------------ [21] 380


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:17
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----民盼
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:43 编辑

民盼【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
西風凜冽葉枯黃 , 秋煞臨台惹恐惶。統獨公投非我願 , 和平就業望羲皇。

Our WishTranslated by Charles Wu
West wind is piercingly cold that turns all leaves yellow.
Autumn goblin attacks Taiwan thus causing sorrow.
To vote for independence is not our most eager.
We want real peace, full employment and a good leader.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [民盼]------------ [12] 107


添詩輝字 [民盼]------------ [21] 381


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:22
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----自傳
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:45 编辑

自傳【原創 : 吳銓添】人06古韻


AUTOBIOGRAPHYTranslated by Charles Wu


吳銓高毛筆書法 [自傳]------------ [12] 126


添詩輝字 [自傳]------------ [21] 382


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:26
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----名橋
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:48 编辑

名橋【原創 : 吳銓添】物21古韻
題柱盛名誇 , 千秋頌邇遐。屯嘉來往客 , 享譽滿中華。

The Famous BridgeTranslated by Charles Wu
This bridge is world-renown for over hundred years .
Every one extols its reputation with cheers .
It gives convinience to thousands of travellers .
Its name is mentioned in stories by Chinese authors .

吳銓添詩情畫意 [名橋]------------ [C] 679


吳銓高毛筆書法 [名橋]------------ [12] 135


添詩輝字 [名橋]------------ [21] 427


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:32
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----老樹
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:51 编辑

老樹【原創 : 吳銓添】物27古韻
婆娑雖不復 , 貫石結根深。半抱殘兵葉 ; 盈持勇將心。
桓溫嗟敗柳 ; 馮異賞餘陰。劫火痕猶在 , 何愁雨雪侵。

The Old TreeTranslated by Charles Wu
This tree is so old that half of its leaves have fallen.
However, its roots penetrate the rock and deepen.
It looks like a general losing most of his soldiers.
Yet, he fights bravely and accomplishes the king’s orders.
Marshal “Huan” sighed for the death of his beloved willow.
“Feng” preferred shadow of old tree to the title--hero.
This old tree has witnessed the warfares with scars of burn.
Attacked by storm and snow for many times, it looks more stern.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [老樹]------------ [B] 464


吳銓高毛筆書法 [老樹]------------ [12] 125


添詩輝字 [老樹]------------ [21] 383


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:37
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----近重陽
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:53 编辑

近重陽【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
蒼蒼白髮夢高堂 , 怕見寒蟬飲露亡。落葉敲窗驚歲暮 ; 吟蛩入戶報秋涼。
丹楓欲變萸山艷 ; 黃菊初開醴酒香。坐對孤燈思往事 , 滿城風雨近重陽。

Approaching Double Ninth FestivalTranslated by Charles Wu
When I grow old with white hair, I remember my father.
Seeing dead cicada near the cold dew, I am sadder.
Dry leaves knocking my window seem to sneer my old age.
Insects chirp to announce that we are in cool autumn stage.
Maple trees turn red thus the berry mountain looks pretty.
Yellow chrysanthemum will bloom and wine perfumes sweetly.
Cherishing the past under the light, I feel so lonely.
Approaching the Double Ninth Festival, it is rainy.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [近重陽]------------ [12] 167


添詩輝字 [近重陽]------------ [21] 384


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:46
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----迎客
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:56 编辑

迎客【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
翹首樓台勞望眼 , 童年摯友旅塵揚。花陰掩映鋪筵席 ; 桂月爭輝沐燦堂。
顧盼情深思結義 ; 齊將血滴混搖觴。三朝暢飲終須別 , 擇日重逢待菊黃。

Greeting My GuestTranslated by Charles Wu
Waiting for a long time in my terrace, I don’t grumble.
My childhood bosom friend visits me after long travel.
I prepare a feast for him in my garden with flowers.
The moon shines through the cassia trees onto the drinkers.
Loving each other so much, we become allied brother.
Mixing our blood with fine wine, we drink it at the altar.
We gather happily for three days but my friend must go.
He promises to come again when autumn wind will blow.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [迎客]------------ [12] 164


添詩輝字 [迎客]------------ [21] 386


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:53
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----長相憶
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 16:59 编辑

長相憶【原創 : 吳銓添】人26古韻
未睹風華已九秋 , 思卿難奈泣高樓。移花接木塵緣定 ; 賣酒當爐韻事浮。
欲把離愁編曲調 ; 應將往事付東流。無情歲月催人老 , 初戀痴懷總不休。

Missing Her ForeverTranslated by Charles Wu
For nine years, I miss the nice demeanor of my darling.
Longing for her so much, I weep alone in a building.
Alas ! She marries someone else but who can change the fact.
She sells wine in a bar hence friends gossip about her act.
I intend to compose a song to express my sadness.
Let bygones be bygones and I seek my own happiness.
The time is so merciless that I grow old rapidly.
I never forget my first love which is fine as brandy.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [長相憶]2------------ [D] 685


吳銓添詩情畫意 [長相憶]1------------ [C] 603


吳銓高毛筆書法 [長相憶]------------ [12] 161


添詩輝字 [長相憶]------------ [21] 387


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 16:59
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----夜釣
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 17:03 编辑

夜釣【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
水漲銀鱗躍 , 垂綸釣晚涼。未曾鉤鯉顎 ; 已縱飲瓊漿。
枕石猜星月 ; 乘風入夢鄉。晨曦空悵望 , 竿正逐波颺。

Fishing At NightTranslated by Charles Wu
Fishes are jumping up from water in high tide.
At a cool night, I go angling at the seaside.
No fish is caught although I whip my fishing line.
Unconsciously, I have drunk a lot of fine wine.
I lie on the boulder to count stars near the moon.
Comforted by gentle breeze, I fall asleep soon.
I am woken by the rays of morning sunrise.
I find my pole drifting in the sea with surprise.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [夜釣]------------ [B] 514


吳銓高毛筆書法 [夜釣]------------ [12] 123


添詩輝字 [夜釣]------------ [21] 388


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:16
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----夜遊神
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 17:05 编辑

夜遊【原創 : 吳銓添】人11古韻
黑面金剛吃喝神 , 燒豬滷味閃紅塵。花心蘿蔔尋膚白 , 儘是天涯廟口人。

The Roamers At NightTranslated by Charles Wu
Voracious eaters are black face Buddhist warriors.
They come here to taste the roast pig and cooked food in platters.
Fickle husbands look like red turnips with rotten white hearts.
Walking outside the temple, they form a picture of arts.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [夜遊]------------ [12] 142


添詩輝字 [夜遊]------------ [21] 389


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:22
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----夜嘆
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 17:07 编辑

夜嘆 []【搗練子】【原創 : 吳銓添】人16古韻

To Sigh At NightTranslated by Charles Wu
Sighing under the moonlight beside my window,
I am tortured by love affairs long time ago.
I can’t sleep due to bad mood after a horrible dream.
In my letter, I regret that my words are too extreme.

毛筆書法 [夜嘆]------------ [12] 150


添詩輝字 [夜嘆]------------ [21] 390


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:26
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [1]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 18:57 编辑

[1]【原創 : 吳銓添】物23古韻
東籬閑伏臥 , 忽起逐雞鳴。狩獵時驚鹿 , 啣狐待主評。

Dog [1]Translated by Charles Wu
The dog lies idly near the east hedge of my garden.
Suddenly, it gets up and chases the noisy chicken .
Barking the frightened deer out, it is a brave hunter.
It holds a dead fox in its mouth to please his master.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [1]------------ [12] 137


添詩輝字 [1]------------ [21] 431


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:40
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [2]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 19:00 编辑

[2]【原創 : 吳銓添】物23古韻
深宵勤不臥 , 遇賊輒狂鳴。喜獵窮追鹿 , 忠心獲好評。

Dog [2]Translated by Charles Wu
At night, the dog patrols diligently and does not lie.
It barks loudly at stranger who may be a bad guy.
Chasing the deer desperately, it is a good hunter.
Its loyalty wins a commendation from its master.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [2]------------ [12] 138


添詩輝字 [2]------------ [21] 430


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:43
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [3]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 19:02 编辑

[3]【原創 : 吳銓添】物07古韻
曾經顯赫勝韓盧 , 兔死人非不獵狐。淪落街頭窮躑躅 , 餐風露宿懼烹屠。

Dog [3]Translated by Charles Wu
It was once famous than "Huan-lu", the best dog in China.
Hares and fox were rare and its boss went aboard by visa.
Being abandoned in the street, it aimlessly wandered.
Homeless and hungry, it feared to be caught and slaughtered.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [3]------------ [12] 109


添詩輝字 [3]------------ [21] 391


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:46
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [4]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 19:04 编辑

[4] [] [浣溪沙]【原創 : 吳銓添】物21古韻

Dog [4]Translated by Charles Wu
The dog is content with his life and feels comfortable.
It is willing to eat dirty rice with vegetable.
Its master expels it and his reason is not ample.
The unhappy dog has no place to air its grievance.
It roars loudly until the sun loses its brilliance.
Barking sadly for a long time, it sheds tears in silence.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [4]------------ [12] 159


添詩輝字 [4]------------ [21] 392


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:48
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [5]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 19:08 编辑

[5]【原創 : 吳銓添】物26古韻
風華老去棄山頭 , 難忍飢寒怎渡秋。腐鼠蝸牛充美食 ; 殘窩枯葉是溫裘。
魂縈愛侶心肝裂 ; 夢繫慈親涕淚流。來世銜環恩再報 , 狂狺子夜恨悠悠。

The Dog [5]Translated by Charles Wu
The old dog is abandoned at the hill by its madame.
Being hungry and cold, it can’t bear the chilly autumn.
Rotten mice and snails are its table delicacy.
It uses deserted nest and dried leaves to warm its body.
Longing for its beloved ones, it feels broken hearted.
When parents appear in its dream, its sadness is added.
In the present life, it can do nothing to their delight.
Harbouring great regret, it barks madly in the midnight.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [5]------------ [12] 160


添詩輝字 [5]------------ [21] 393


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:51
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [6]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 19:10 编辑

[6]【原創 : 吳銓添】物07古韻
韓盧瑟縮嘆何辜 , 百病纏身痛囁嚅。蒼狗白雲原一夢 , 哀呼還望眾相扶。

Dog [6]Translated by Charles Wu
Han-lu shivers in cold because it is homeless.
It groans with pain due to various sickness.
The great changes happen to him like a nightmare.
Barking sadly, it seeks help from those who care.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [6]------------ [12] 110


添詩輝字 [6]------------ [21] 395


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:54
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [7]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 19:12 编辑

[7]【原創 : 吳銓添】物13古韻
妻離主棄餓狂奔 , 苟延殘喘喪七魂。覓盡荒郊無可食 , 翻岩狠把幼蛇吞。

Dog [7]Translated by Charles Wu
The abandoned dog runs desperately for food.
It can’t live on its own and its health is not good.
Searching the desolate forest, it is very hungry.
Turning over the rock, it swallows baby snake madly.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [7]------------ [12] 111


添詩輝字 [7]------------ [21] 396


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:56
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [8]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 19:15 编辑

[8]【原創 : 吳銓添】物13古韻
飢寒歷盡病昏昏 , 路上韓盧滿淚痕。借問仙翁何處住 , 乞求靈藥轉乾坤。

Dog [8]Translated by Charles Wu
Being weak and sick, the dog feels cold and hungry.
The past hero stands on the road and cries sadly.
It asks, “ where does the celestial old man live?”
Begging him to cure the illness is its motive.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [8]------------ [12] 112


添詩輝字 [8]------------ [21] 397


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 17:59
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [9]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 19:18 编辑

[9]【原創 : 吳銓添】物13古韻
棲林宿雨食難吞 , 嘔吐無眠欲斷魂。巧遇荒魑憐我病 , 殷祈憫恤伴晨昏。

Dog [9]Translated by Charles Wu
Vomitting badly, the dog hides in the wet forest.
As if going to die, it cannot take a good rest.
Fortunately, a demon appears to cure its illness.
The dog becomes his servant in return of his kindness.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [9]------------ [B] 498


吳銓高毛筆書法 [9]------------ [12] 113


添詩輝字 [9]------------ [21] 398


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-28 18:01
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----狗 [10]
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-10 19:20 编辑

[10]【原創 : 吳銓添】物27古韻
魚蝦識險避洋深 , 眾鳥翔空不下沉。浪犬知人心惡毒 , 棲岩啜露躲瞑針。

Dog [10]Translated by Charles Wu
Fearing the catchers, fish and shrimp dive in ocean water.
All birds circle in the air for escaping the hunter.
Knowing that people do not grant wanderer a pardon
The dog drinks dew on rock to avoid poison injection.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [10]------------ [12] 114


添詩輝字 [10]------------ [21] 399


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 12:14
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----念伊人
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 08:09 编辑

念伊人 [][好事近]【原創 : 吳銓添】人99古韻
職訓赴重洋 , 路坎坷薪微薄。孤鳳不隨鸞去 , 寄意憑黃鶴。
倚欄猶憶弄笙歌 , 情深恍如昨。遙念伊人風采 , 怎復當年樂。

Longing For HerTranslated by Charles Wu
I must go aboard to take up the on-job training course.
Bumpy ride and poor salary, I was but a work horse.
She could not accompany me though she was my lover.
Having no choice, she had to tell her worries by letter.
Leaning on the fence, I played favourite song of our day.
The romance was as fresh as affair happened yesterday.
Her elegant demeanors occupied my memory.
How could I go back to the age when we were so happy.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [念伊人]------------ [12] 152


添詩輝字 [念伊人]------------ [21] 401


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 12:20
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----苦吟僧
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 08:12 编辑

苦吟僧【原創 : 吳銓添】人23古韻
欲逞非非想 , 行吟苦未成。聳肩山影瘦 ; 回嘴鬼靈精。
律細功難竟 ; 詞圓韻又傾。推敲爭幾字 , 翻典至天明。

The Clumsy Poet MonkTranslated by Charles Wu
The monk wishes to fulfill his fancy.
To write a poem, he is so clumsy.
He gives a shrug to poet playing his ace.
Sometimes, he retorts with a funny face.
The poem rules are too hard to follow.
To him, rhyming scheme is as high as rainbow.
Writing a few words, he must take a break.
Looking through books, he works until daybreak.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [苦吟僧]------------ [B] 515


吳銓高毛筆書法 [苦吟僧]------------ [12] 124


添詩輝字 [苦吟僧]------------ [21] 402


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 12:25
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----重陽
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 08:16 编辑

重陽【原創 : 吳銓添】人08古韻
重九早聞雞 , 黃花墨客迷。風翻秋葉醉 ; 鳥瞰水雲低。
祭祀墳塋掃 ; 登高醴酒攜。萸囊驅百魅 , 隱洞把詩題。

Double Ninth FestivalTranslated by Charles Wu
All hear the cock crowing early in Double Ninth morning.
Poets admire the chrysanthemums which are so charming.
The autumn wind turns over the maple leaves being red.
Birds circle above the cloud and fly to where rivers spread.
To-day, people used to clean the tombs of their ancestors.
Ascending the height, they drink Chinese wine with their brothers.
They bring bags containing dog-berry to expel the ghost.
Writing poems on the cave, all people try their utmost.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [重陽]------------ [B] 483


吳銓高毛筆書法 [重陽]------------ [12] 118


添詩輝字 [重陽]------------ [21] 403


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 12:30
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----星夜
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 08:19 编辑

星夜【原創 : 吳銓添】人24古韻
寂寞佇空庭 , 吟哦嘆夜清。星移人去邈 , 題葉任飄零。

A Starry NightTranslated by Charles Wu
Idling in the courtyard, I am very lonely.
Chanting poem, I feel the night wind is so chilly.
Star changes its position, so does my beloved one.
The leaf on which I write my love affairs has fallen.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [星夜]------------ [B] 479


吳銓高毛筆書法 [星夜]------------ [12] 180


添詩輝字 [星夜]------------ [21] 432


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 12:37
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----春臨
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 08:23 编辑

春臨【原創 : 吳銓添】物04古韻
風和萬物滋 , 嫩綠瘦紅時。瀲艷湖山秀 , 氳氤引蝶痴。

Spring ComesTranslated by Charles Wu
The warm weather helps all things to grow.
Leaves turn green and flowers are red so.
Lake with shadow of mountain has kissed.
Butterflies are drunk in the dense mist.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [春臨]------------ [B] 525


吳銓高毛筆書法 [春臨]------------ [12] 131


添詩輝字 [春臨]------------ [21] 433


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 12:43
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----春夜誦詩
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 08:26 编辑

春夜誦詩【原創 : 吳銓添】人16古韻
凜凜春寒欲雪天 , 熒熒展讀聳鳶肩。逍遙老叟吟哦樂 , 自醉騷壇養暮年。

Chanting Poem In A Spring NightTranslated by Charles Wu
It is going to snow with severely cold spell in spring.
Under the light, his shoulders tremble while he is reading.
A carefree old man chants poems cheerfully in midnight.
He is thoroughly intoxicated in the website.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [春夜誦詩]------------ [C] 674


吳銓高毛筆書法 [春夜誦詩]------------ [12] 181


添詩輝字 [春夜誦詩]------------ [21] 404


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 12:49
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----春晨
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 08:29 编辑

春晨 [] [采桑子]【原創 : 吳銓添】人13古韻
東君初展疏慵照 , 檐白雞喧。鶯囀蜂翻。曙色玲瓏探翠村。
醒來驚覺春暉蕩 , 樹影何蕃。掩映苔垣 , 夜雨摧花留曉痕。

Spring MorningTranslated by Charles Wu
The morning sun shines with light so tender.
Cocks crow and eaves of houses look brighter.
Bees fly while warblers talk in sweet language.
The dawn illuminates the green village.
Waking up, I notice the spring has come.
Queer shadows are formed by tree and blossom.
They move slowly to cover the moss wall.
Many flowers are ruined by the night rainfall.

吳銓添詩情畫意[] [采桑子]春晨------------ [B] 490


吳銓高毛筆書法 [][春晨]------------ [12] 155


添詩輝字[] [春晨]------------ [21] 405


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 12:54
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----秋思
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:11 编辑

秋思【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
葉落蛩鳴月勝霜 , 神州闊別幾秋涼。蝸居小島難弘志 , 欲展鴻圖待返鄉。

Autumn ReverieTranslated by Charles Wu
Leaves fall; insects chirp and the moon shines so brightly.
Departing my hometown for years, I feel lonely.
Living in this small island, I have no future.
Returning to my village, I can do better.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [秋思]------------ [B] 552


吳銓高毛筆書法 [秋思]------------ [12] 178


添詩輝字 [秋思]------------ [21] 406


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 13:00
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----客來
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:14 编辑

客來【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
淨掃樓台疑樹動 , 影浮秋水劍眉揚。相迎遠客舖筵席 ; 娛話當年鬧草堂。
盡興同歡邀皓月 ; 傳杯共醉罄瑤觴。傷時淚眼含悲別 , 期約重逢待荇黃。

My Guest ComesTranslated by Charles Wu
Cleaning my house, I find all trees moving in grace.
Autumn pool reflects my shadow with smiling face.
To meet my guest, I prepare a welcome dinner.
We cherish the previous events with laughter.
Enjoying ourselves, we invite the moon to drink.
Clinking glass, we use up the stock in my wine-rink.
With tear in our eyes, we have to say good-bye then.
We fix next gathering when daisy blooms again.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [客來]------------ [B] 517


吳銓高毛筆書法 [客來]------------ [12] 162


添詩輝字 [客來]------------ [21] 407


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 14:54
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----負情
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:17 编辑

負情 [] [減字木蘭花]【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
落花流水 , 飄渺孤鴻讒詆毀。再見黃昏 , 整飾芳容為別君。
負情宥恕 , 遠隔重洋無覓處。我為卿狂 , 呆對殘箋淚兩行。

Ungrateful LoverTranslated by Charles Wu
Fallen flowers were carried away by running water.
Like a lone swan, I was attacked by the groundless slander.
In that evening, I must say good-bye to my woman.
She made up herself for that particular occasion.
Having no choice, I forgave her ungrateful decision.
To a place where she could not find me, I crossed the ocean.
Nevertheless, I was still crazy about my lover.
With tears in my eyes, I failed to write her a letter.

吳銓添詩情畫意[] [減字木蘭花]負情------------ [B] 494


吳銓高毛筆書法[][負情]------------ [12] 154


添詩輝字[][負情] ------------ [21] 408


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:00
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----高行網
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:20 编辑

高行網 []【搗練子】【原創 : 吳銓添】人01古韻
少問政 , 諫君翁。獻策精明改校風。無奈忠言人不納。楚王悔貶屈英雄。

The Gao-go WebsiteTranslated by Charles Wu
My friend involved in politics since he was a youngster.
He set up a website to admonish the governor.
He submitted plans to change the education matter.
However, his sincere advices were turned down also.
The authorities regretted to demote this hero.

吳銓高毛筆書法[][高行網]------------ [12] 151


添詩輝字[] [高行網]------------ [21] 409


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:09
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----浪犬哀歌
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:23 编辑

浪犬哀歌 [] [踏莎行]【原創 : 吳銓添】物76古韻

Dirge Of A Deserted DogTranslated by Charles Wu
With torrential rain, the wind is blowing.
Loud thunder noise with a flash of lightning.
The heaven seems to condemn the poor dog
Which falls ill and breathes heavily like frog.
The dizzy pet suffers from ill of brain.
It will die in this dirty and crude lane.
Then, it fixes its eyes to the high building,
Where the boss deserts it due to its barking.
In stupor, it dreams of its former lover.
However, devil will be its last caller.

吳銓高毛筆書法[][浪犬哀歌]------------ [12] 153


添詩輝字[][浪犬哀歌] ------------ [21] 410


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:13
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----留客
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:24 编辑

留客【原創 : 吳銓添】人06古韻
龍鍾摯友夜尋余 , 賞雨基隆興有餘。一宿忙人休速去 , 梁園曉露病相如。

To Retain My GuestTranslated by Charles Wu
My aged bosom friend visits me in Keelung at night.
Being high-spirited, we enjoy the rain overnight.
Seeing the morning dew, my busy friend asks to leave.
The old tactics claiming sick to keep him-- I deceive.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [留客]------------ [12] 139


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:18
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----閑居
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:28 编辑

閑居【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
嘲風弄月為詩狂 , 曲誤周郎顧酒旁。品管彈琴同眾樂 ; 衝鋒陷陣佈棋忙。
呼將碰盞驚青鳥 ; 詠賦撫弦入綠篁。人到無求真自在 , 樂天知命勝羲皇。

To Live At LeisureTranslated by Charles Wu
Being crazy about poem, I love the wind and moon.
Drinking wine, I stare at the singer who makes mistake soon.
Sometimes, I play Chinese music to entertain people.
I join chess competition as in a real battle.
In the bamboo grove, I am a poet and guitar player.
The noises of such activities startle the warbler.
I am really carefree because I beseech for nothing.
Being self-satisfied, I am happier than the king.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [閑居]2------------ [D] 688


吳銓添詩情畫意 [閑居]1------------ [C] 605


吳銓高毛筆書法 [閑居]------------ [12] 165


添詩輝字 [閑居]------------ [21] 411


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:23
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----基隆詩會
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:30 编辑

基隆詩會【原創 : 吳銓添】人16古韻
娛登壇貴樂餘年 , 仰止雞籠太白巔。幾列廷班朱紫貴 ; 三鍼口舌啞神仙。
吟風弄月千詩寄 ; 結果開花一炷煙。撚斷髭鬚招隱句 , 相期砥礪笑捫肩。

The Keelung Poet ClubTranslated by Charles Wu
In the Keelung poet club, I am a member.
I try to meet the world renown poem farmer.
Many moderators are retired high official.
They keep silence or give comments not quite useful.
I have sent hundred of my works for their comment.
In the monthly gathering, they are not present.
The Chairman touches his beard on my profound question.
He gives me a shrug and takes no further action.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [基隆詩會]------------ [12] 168


添詩輝字 [基隆詩會]------------ [21] 412


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:28
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----牽牛
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:33 编辑

牽牛【原創 : 吳銓添】物12古韻

Morning GloryTranslated by Charles Wu
The spring weather is so warm that moisture does exist.
Red blossoms in my courtyard are in full bloom with mist.
The vividly green Morning Glory bursts forth briskly.
It climbs from hedge to wall and explores the world bravely.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [牽牛]------------ [B] 491


吳銓高毛筆書法 [牽牛]------------ [12] 143


添詩輝字 [牽牛]------------ [21] 413


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:32
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----寄箏
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:36 编辑

寄箏【原創 : 吳銓添】人02古韻
烏啼月斂憶芳容 , 繡柱鴻箏細語濃。回首瑤台無覓處 , 伊人遠去隔千重。

The Zither To RememberTranslated by Charles Wu
Crows chirpped ; moon darken while I missed my lover.
Still recalled the days we whispered and played zither.
In the same terrace, I find things were empty.
She had gone a thousand miles away from me.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [寄箏]------------ [B] 468


吳銓高毛筆書法 [寄箏]------------ [12] 115


添詩輝字 [寄箏]------------ [21] 414


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:37
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----訪梅苑
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:39 编辑

訪梅苑【原創 : 吳銓添】人01古韻
結伴庵廬尋臘信 , 鶯鳴疏影點園紅。攀緣驚嘆群英盛 ; 拜命方知譽望隆。
孟客三千賓主樂 ; 田文十載羽毛豐。今朝把興吟哦熱 , 他日欣逢大塊宮。

Visit The Plum GardenTranslated by Charles Wu
We meet at the Buddhist hut to seek spring message.
Warblers sing ; red plums bloom in this remote village.
To our surprise, many famous poets have come.
The host is world renown and will not be lonesome.
We have a warm party and all guests are happy.
Being high-spirited, we chant poems gaily.
For ten years, our master promotes Chinese culture.
All hope to see him soon at palace in future.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [訪梅苑]------------ [B] 497


吳銓高毛筆書法 [訪梅苑]------------ [12] 170


添詩輝字 [訪梅苑]------------ [21] 415


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:42
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----望治
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:41 编辑

望治【原創 : 吳銓添】人02古韻
台胞淚洒五更鐘 , 治亂偏逢選首宗。休戚相關藍與綠 ; 明爭暗鬥虎傷龍。
族群諧合民安樂 ; 國會圓融官順從。瞋怨化開凝共識 , 應遵憲法互包容。

Hope For PeaceTranslated by Charles Wu
People of Taiwan shed tears in mid night.
President election is a dogfight.
The policies of the Blue and the Green party;
Will sure affect our welfare and stability.
Different ideas compromise ; all feel pleasant.
A harmonious congress means a good government.
At last, we should arrive at a consensus with caution.
Forgiving each other, all abide the constitution.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [望治]------------ [12] 169


添詩輝字 [望治]------------ [21] 416


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:47
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----極相思
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:45 编辑

極相思[]【原創 : 吳銓添】人01古韻
當年執手情濃。笑語醉波中。輕舟一葉 ; 香浮翠影 ; 嬉舞春風。
往事如煙無尋覓 ; 待何日 , 可認芳蹤。思維瀉瀑 ; 傷懷何遣 , 託附長空。

Serious Love-sicknessTranslated by Charles Wu
I held her hand in spring when we were young.
She laughed while I said kind words through my lung.
We went boating during a windy day
Floating our shadows in clear water bay.
On a sampan, our souls danced in the same pace.
When could I seek our previous chatting place ?
She went to foreign country without trace.
Longing for her, I pondered like waterfall.
No one would care about my sadness at all.
I told the sky as much as I could recall.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [極相思]------------ [C] 680


吳銓高毛筆書法[][極相思]------------ [12] 158


添詩輝字[][極相思]------------ [21] 417


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:51
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----雁
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:48 编辑

【原創 : 吳銓添】物22古韻
南空雁陣寫秋章 , 逐水眠叢隨艷陽。天下黎民如候鳥 , 溫馨物阜是吾鄉。

Wild GeeseTranslated by Charles Wu
Under the south autumn sky, wild geese fly in good order.
They chase the bright sun and sleep in the bush near the river.
All the common people act like such migratory birds.
Moving to a stable and rich place, they are not cowards.

吳銓添詩情畫意 []------------ [C] 671


吳銓高毛筆書法 []------------ [12] 106


添詩輝字 []------------ [21] 418


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 15:55
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----詠菊
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:52 编辑

詠菊【原創 : 吳銓添】人04古韻
天生性不羈 , 掩映滿山陲。入里能隨俗 ; 登堂恐受岐。
常交松竹友 ; 何藐草荊枝。倩盼冰霜酷 , 風雲會此時。

ChrysanthemumTranslated by Charles Wu
I am as unruly as the chrysanthemum
Which scatters all over the mountain in autumn.
I get along very well with common people
In high society, I am not their angel.
The tall pine and noble bamboo are my honey.
I have never looked down the grass and chaste tree.
Being attacked by snow and frost, I still grow well.
Under the abominable weather, I dwell.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [詠菊]2------------ [16] 717


吳銓添詩情畫意 [詠菊]1------------ [B] 480


吳銓高毛筆書法 [詠菊]------------ [12] 117


添詩輝字 [詠菊]------------ [21] 419


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 16:02
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----復壇有感
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:54 编辑

復壇有感【原創 : 吳銓添】人12古韻
基督垂箴訓 , 仁慈馴野蠻。感恩蛇赴壑 ; 念善雀銜環。
逆至開懷受 ; 甘來施惠還。德高聲望重 , 再向頂峰攀。

Resume Our Forum After AttackTranslated by Charles Wu
Our Lord hangs down the moral message.
Benevolent will tame the savage.
Snakes in valley lure human no more.
Birds hold loop to thank the saviour.
Take it easy when you face injustice.
Give favour to those who break their promise.
Good virtues will win respects of all.
We climb up the peak and will not fall.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [復壇有感]------------ [12] 119


添詩輝字 [復壇有感]------------ [21] 420


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 16:06
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----畫竹
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 09:56 编辑

【原創 : 吳銓添】人09古韻
運筆機靈熟慮埋 , 淡濃隨意墨方諧。文同幻化趨無象 , 鄭燮清癯竹更佳。

Bamboo PaintingTranslated by Charles Wu
With a bamboo picture in mind, the painter wielded his pen.
Harmoniously, he applied Chinese ink now and then.
The abstractionism painter, “Wen-tong” drew its spirit.
Painting its thin appearance, “Zheng-xie” got all the credit.

吳銓添詩情畫意 []------------ [C] 675


吳銓高毛筆書法 []------------ [12] 141


添詩輝字 []------------ [21] 421


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 16:10
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----賀友喬遷
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 10:00 编辑

賀友喬遷【原創 : 吳銓添】人22古韻
名榮志廣慧超常 , 卜築山居擬自藏。眾敬孟嘗齊賦詠 ; 群邀杜李共徜徉。
騰飛逸興詩千首 ; 湧溢豪情酒百觴。鬧市凡塵都遣卻 , 登樓談笑賞鈄陽。

Congratulate My Friend On RemovalTranslated by Charles Wu
My ambitious friend is a gentleman of brilliance.
He builds a new house in the mountain as his residence.
Being generous, he invites his friends to his address.
All guests write poems to congratulate his big success.
Over one thousand famous Chinese poems are chanted.
More than hundred cups of wine are drunk as common fluid.
There is no market and traffic noise but tranquility.
At the roof, all enjoy the sunset and chat happily.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [賀友喬遷]2------------ [D] 689


吳銓添詩情畫意 [賀友喬遷]1------------ [C] 610


吳銓高毛筆書法 [賀友喬遷]------------ [12] 166


添詩輝字 [賀友喬遷]------------ [21] 422


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 16:15
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----遊太平山
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 10:03 编辑

太平山【原創 : 吳銓添】旅22古韻
平生最愛水雲鄉 , 獨上靈山賞夕陽。寄宿禪廂舒老骨 ; 飽餐齋飯慰飢腸。
煙籠古檜雲杉逸 ; 柳拂清泉卵石涼。世外桃源堪比美 , 春風得意自徜徉。

To Tour Mt Tai-ping
Translated by Charles Wu
In my whole life, such beautiful scene I shall not forget.
I climb up Mount “Tai-ping” alone to enjoy the sunset.
Then, I lodge at the monastery and take a good rest.
Being hungry, I eat vegetable dish of the best.
Huge cypress towers the sky while mist covers the fir tree.
Willow touches the stream where I sit by the cobble free.
Without turmoil of the world, this is a place of beauty.
Like the spring breezes, I wander here and there so freely.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [太平山]2------------ [D] 694


吳銓添詩情畫意 [太平山]1------------ [C] 612


吳銓高毛筆書法 [太平山]------------ [12] 163


添詩輝字 [太平山]------------ [21] 423


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 16:20
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----網站兩週年慶
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 10:05 编辑

網站兩週年慶【原創 : 吳銓添】人15古韻
羊去靈猴在 , 詩壇兩歲顏。騷風揚四海 ; 藻筆撼三山。
但愿天行健 ; 常祈文譽寰。天涯同賀壽 , 逸響遏雲間。

Website Bi-anniversaryTranslated by Charles Wu
The year of Clever Monkey replaces that of Goat.
Our website bi-anniversary, we should promote.
Let the wind of elegance blow over four oceans.
Let the huge pen of culture shake the three high mountains.
I wish this poem forum will always be blooming.
I hope the articles published here are outstanding.
Warm congratulations come from all parts of the earth.
The voice is so loud ; even passing clouds know its birth.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [網站兩週年慶]------------ [12] 121


添詩輝字 [網站兩週年慶]------------ [21] 424


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 16:25
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----漁婦怨
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 10:08 编辑

漁婦怨 [] [浣溪沙]【原創 : 吳銓添】人04古韻
拍岸奔濤驚夢碎 , 為君洒淚有誰知。歸航滿載盼佳期。

The Blame Of A Fisherman WifeTranslated by Charles Wu
The fisherman wife is frowning at her new bed.
She blames her husband leaving her after their wed.
Unable to help him to catch fish, she is left alone.
she is woken up by the waves running against the stone.
Sleeping very late at night, she is annoyed by such sound.
She sheds tears quietly and her eyebrows are often frowned.
Longing for her husband so much, she is the saddest.
Each day, she prays for his coming back with good harvest.

吳銓添詩情畫意 [漁婦怨]------------ [D] 699


吳銓高毛筆書法[][漁婦怨]------------ [12] 157


添詩輝字[][漁婦怨]------------ [21] 425


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-29 16:28
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----熬詩
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 10:12 编辑

熬詩【原創 : 吳銓添】人04古韻
暮歲始熬詩 , 高賢是我師。余慚初學淺 , 未敢莽題詞。

Slow Poem WriterTranslated by Charles Wu
I start poem writing at my old age
Learning from the website virtuous sage.
Sighing for my limit and poor Knowledge
I feel ashamed to post my works on page.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [熬詩]------------ [12] 130


添詩輝字 [熬詩]------------ [21] 434


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-30 10:07
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----暮秋
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 10:14 编辑

暮秋【原創 : 吳銓添】物08古韻
野徑鳴蛩切 , 寒鴉夙夜啼。風霜淩瘦菊 , 池上月清淒。

Deep AutumnTranslated by Charles Wu
In the path of the outskirts, insects chirped feebly.
Deep at autumn night, crows made noises terribly.
Weak chrysanthemums were attacked by wind and frost.
Over the calm pond surface, the moon sadly crossed.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [暮秋]------------ [12] 132


添詩輝字 [暮秋]------------ [21] 435


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-30 10:11
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----警魚
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 10:16 编辑

警魚【原創 : 吳銓添】人26古韻
早計汪洋去 , 江湖莫戀游。當知香餌下 , 觸口是銛鉤。

Warning The FishTranslated by Charles Wu
Dear fish ! Please go earlier to the deep ocean.
Please do not yearn to swim near the coast with human.
You should know what was hidden inside the live bait.
A sharp hook would pierce your jaw whenever you ate.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [警魚]------------ [12] 136


添詩輝字 [警魚]------------ [21] 436


作者: 二觉陀    时间: 2007-7-30 10:13
标题: 吳銓添 詩詞英譯-----觀濤
本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2012-7-11 10:18 编辑

觀濤【原創 : 吳銓添】人16古韻
風生浪接天 , 澎湃拍巖前。裂岸非凡響 ; 迴瀾綿亙旋。
濺鷗濤勝雪 ; 隱日海生煙。觸目蕭然景 , 憂讒畏諍纏。

Watch The Big WaveTranslated by Charles Wu
The wind sends the big waves up to the sky.
They beat the boulder and the surf does fly.
Roaring sound becomes loud and outstanding.
Repeating often, the tide is swirling.
Spattering gulls, the surf changes to snow.
Some of them become vapour to billow.
Tidal waves are noisy and surprising.
Like critics and slanders, they are haunting.

吳銓高毛筆書法 [觀濤]------------ [12] 122


添詩輝字 [觀濤]------------ [21] 426


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