本帖最后由 二觉陀 于 2013-3-6 15:41 编辑
麻将铭【原创 : 吴铨高】[精选] 人不需多 , 四位即成。 技岂在高 , 有运则灵。 斯时空閒 , 喜麻将声。 初学暂胡涂 , 日久变精英。 先捞海底月 , 再糊门前清。 可以疗百病 , 活神经。 遇输家要上诉 , 具忘归之豪情。 南北中发白 , 东西筒索万。 赌圣云 : 谈笑用兵。 The Mahjong Ode [By Charles Wu] Mahjong game needs four persons to begin. It is luck but not technique to help you win ! When you are at leisure to play four rounds, Four of you would prefer to hear such sounds. As a beginner, you are perplexing. you will be master after frequent playing. In one game, you learn to make the small slam. In the other, you can make the grand slam. Playing mahjong can cure your small disease. Because it keeps your nerves as busy as bees ! In case, a loser requests to play more, Whether going home late, all will ignore. Now and then, the players loudly bargain : South Wind ! North Wind ! Red , Green and White Dragon ! East Wind ! West Wind ! Circle ! Bamboo ! Million ! The gambling sage likes to use this jargon. Talk and laugh while you are in action ! [吴铨高自撰自写 麻将铭 楷书] [黄日燊师生书法展, 08年9月6-8日]