标题: 吳銓高自寫詩詞 [故鄉行1-4] [打印本页] 作者: 二觉陀 时间: 2009-4-30 10:30 标题: 吳銓高自寫詩詞 [故鄉行1-4] 故鄉行 [1]【原創 : 吳銓高】旅10古韻
六歲離鄉暮歲回 , 親朋故舊鬢毛灰。中山港穗高明去 , 桑梓賢兄倒履陪。
The Visit To My Homeland [1]【By Charles Wu】
I left my hometown while young but came back when old.
The grey hairs of all my acquainces had told.
Hong Kong , Zhongshan , Gaoming and Guangzhou were the places.
Where I saw a lot of happy and familiar faces .
吳銓高 詩情畫意 [故鄉行1]------------ [卷C] 665
輝字吳銓高詩 [故鄉行1]------------ [卷22] 653
吳銓高 毛筆書法 故鄉行 1]----------- [卷07] 576
網上相逢, 也算是一種缘份, 與大家一起看[報紙地圖]!
真人游戏|足球篮球|时时カ彩| 六合投カ注| 网络赚钱去SO娱カ乐カ城:顶级信用カ提现百分百即时到账SO.CC 作者: 二觉陀 时间: 2009-4-30 10:31
故鄉行 [2]【原創 : 吳銓高】旅01古韻
扶老攜孩拜外公 , 心悲不見母墳同。童時杵臼依然在 , 尼教故鄉何事窮。
The Visit To My Hometown [2]【By Charles Wu】
Grieving to my late grandfather-in-law cannot be ignored.
The lost of my mother's tomb makes my heart sore.
My Childhood's mortar and pestle are still on the floor.
I wonder what's the cause made village Ni-Jiao so poor !
吳銓高 詩情畫意 [故鄉行2]------------ [卷C] 660
輝字吳銓高詩 [故鄉行2]------------ [卷22] 667
吳銓高 毛筆書法 故鄉行 2]----------- [卷07] 577
網上相逢, 也算是一種缘份, 和大家一起玩 [點擊日曆看性格]!
The Visit To My Hometown [3]【By Charles Wu】
In the year of Monkey, We celebrated our reunion.
After half a century, young girls became old women.
My cousins drove a long way from Guang-zhou to meet us.
In the welcome banquet, Antie Pian acted as the hostess.
I and my brother from Taiwan visited their families.
All relatives invited us to see what we deemed please.
Their hospitality was as sweet as honey.
We drank wine, ate crabs and talked about the past gladly.
The Visit To My Hometown [4]【By Charles Wu】
I visit Antie Pian in early Jia-shen summer.
Three decades passed, it is not too late to meet each other.
All relatives get together boisterously.
The whole family go to picnic cheerfully .
In Yuan-xuan temple, we admire some animal statues.
At Guan-lu orchard, I pick lit-chi fruit with my nephews.
We read an interesting poem at Da-fu cottage.
Things of the famous Hong-xiu-quan are in good storage.